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1120 Bruxelles
Since 19/08/2004

Recent news articles about INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE

Thanks to our exclusive partnership with business and economics newspaper De Tijd and L’Echo, we can provide deep analysis of related news articles with relations between entities.


D'Ieteren heeft met TVH Parts eindelijk zijn miljardenprooi beet

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Axel Miller: D'Ieterens mislukte dealmaker

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Axel Miller ziet een autoloos D'Ieteren

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Frequently asked questions about INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE

  • Where is INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE located?

    INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE’s headquarters is located in Chaussée de Vilvorde 68 , 1120 Bruxelles.
  • When was INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE founded?

    INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE was founded in 2004-08-19. INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE has been active for 21 years.
  • What is INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE’s VAT number?

    INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE’s VAT number is BE0866852277.
  • What is INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE’s juridical form?

    INDEL-DAVIS EUROPE’s juridical type is Société anonyme (SA).