Situation normale


6001 Charleroi
Since 07/05/2004

TEMEL SHOP’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate TEMEL SHOP’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb TEMEL SHOP
  • suleyman yazar
    6001 Marcinelle

Frequently asked questions about TEMEL SHOP

  • Where is TEMEL SHOP located?

    TEMEL SHOP’s headquarters is located in Rue de Couillet 13 , 6001 Charleroi.
  • Who are the directors of TEMEL SHOP?

    TEMEL SHOP’s directors include
    • suleyman yazar
  • When was TEMEL SHOP founded?

    TEMEL SHOP was founded in 2004-05-07. TEMEL SHOP has been active for 21 years.
  • What are TEMEL SHOP’s NACEBEL codes?

    TEMEL SHOP’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 47112 Commerce de détail en magasin non spécialisé à prédominance alimentaire (surface de vente < 100m²) (2008)
    • 52112 Commerce de détail non spécialisé d'alimentation générale (surface de vente inférieure à 100 m2) (2003)
  • What is TEMEL SHOP’s VAT number?

    TEMEL SHOP’s VAT number is BE0865186154.
  • What is TEMEL SHOP’s juridical form?

    TEMEL SHOP’s juridical type is Société en commandite simple (SCS).