Situation normale

EAFC jean Meunier

7012 Mons
Since 01/04/1989

Frequently asked questions about EAFC jean Meunier

  • What is EAFC jean Meunier’s official website?

    EAFC jean Meunier’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of EAFC jean Meunier?

    You can contact EAFC jean Meunier at the email address
  • Where is EAFC jean Meunier located?

    EAFC jean Meunier’s headquarters is located in Avenue Roi Albert 643 , 7012 Mons.
  • When was EAFC jean Meunier founded?

    EAFC jean Meunier was founded in 1989-04-01. EAFC jean Meunier has been active for 36 years.
  • What are EAFC jean Meunier’s NACEBEL codes?

    EAFC jean Meunier’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 80211 Enseignement secondaire général communautaire (2003)
    • 85591 Enseignement de promotion sociale (2025)
    • 85591 Enseignement de promotion sociale (2008)
  • What is EAFC jean Meunier’s VAT number?

    EAFC jean Meunier’s VAT number is BE0850017829.
  • What is EAFC jean Meunier’s juridical form?

    EAFC jean Meunier’s juridical type is Forme légale inconnue (ONSS) (OUTONSS).