Situation normale

VOF Cage

3583 Beringen
Since 31/01/2010

VOF Cage’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate VOF Cage’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb VOF Cage
VOF Cage
  • Carine Geraerts
    3583 Paal
  • Bart Gijbels
    3583 Paal

Frequently asked questions about VOF Cage

  • Where is VOF Cage located?

    VOF Cage’s headquarters is located in Kreniststraat 76 , 3583 Beringen.
  • Who are the directors of VOF Cage?

    VOF Cage’s directors include
    • Carine Geraerts
    • Bart Gijbels
  • When was VOF Cage founded?

    VOF Cage was founded in 2010-01-31. VOF Cage has been active for 15 years.
  • What are VOF Cage’s NACEBEL codes?

    VOF Cage’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 43341 Peinture de bâtiments (2008)
    • 43333 Pose de papiers peints et de revêtements de murs et de sols en d'autres matériaux (2008)
    • 43390 Autres travaux de finition (2008)
    • 81210 Nettoyage courant des bâtiments (2008)
  • What is VOF Cage’s VAT number?

    VOF Cage’s VAT number is BE0825631633.
  • What is VOF Cage’s juridical form?

    VOF Cage’s juridical type is Société en nom collectif (SNC).