Situation normale

u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.

cb23 6dw cambridge
Since 01/05/2009

u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.
u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.
  • Stephan Zizala
  • Ronny Jonckheere
    3000 Leuven
  • ivan Indigne
    2630 Aartselaar
  • Andrew Joslin Rowett
  • Roland Jud
    8730 Beernem

Frequently asked questions about u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.

  • What is u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s official website?

    u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s official website is
  • Where is u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd. located?

    u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s headquarters is located in cambourn business park 0 , cb23 6dw cambridge.
  • What are the primary activities of u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.?

    u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s primary activities include: solution de positionnement sûre, automobile.
  • Who are the directors of u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.?

    u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s directors include
    • Stephan Zizala
    • Ronny Jonckheere
    • ivan Indigne
    • Andrew Joslin Rowett
    • Roland Jud
  • When was u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd. founded?

    u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd. was founded in 2009-05-01. u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd. has been active for 16 years.
  • What are u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s NACEBEL codes?

    u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 62100 Activités de programmation informatique (2025)
    • 62010 Programmation informatique (2008)
    • 72190 Recherche-développement en autres sciences physiques et naturelles (2008)
    • 62020 Conseil informatique (2008)
    • 62090 Autres activités informatiques (2008)
  • What is u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s VAT number?

    u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s VAT number is BE0821464492.
  • What is u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s juridical form?

    u-blox CAMBRIDGE Ltd.’s juridical type is Entité étrangère (ENT E).