Situation normale

ISM Archives Projet

7000 Mons
Since 29/12/2022
Financial Health Indicator
Gross Operating Margin

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Financials 1
Financials 2
Financials 3
Financials 4
Gross Operating Margin

Frequently asked questions about ISM Archives Projet

  • Where is ISM Archives Projet located?

    ISM Archives Projet’s headquarters is located in Chemin de la Procession 161 , 7000 Mons.
  • When was ISM Archives Projet founded?

    ISM Archives Projet was founded in 2022-12-29. ISM Archives Projet has been active for 2 years.
  • What are ISM Archives Projet’s NACEBEL codes?

    ISM Archives Projet’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 68100 Activités des marchands de biens immobiliers (2008)
    • 64200 Activités des sociétés holding (2008)
    • 68311 Intermédiation en achat, vente et location de biens immobiliers pour compte de tiers (2008)
    • 68312 Estimation et évaluation de biens immobiliers pour compte de tiers (2008)
    • 70210 Conseil en relations publiques et en communication (2008)
    • 70220 Conseil pour les affaires et autres conseils de gestion (2008)
  • What is ISM Archives Projet’s VAT number?

    ISM Archives Projet’s VAT number is BE0795536392.
  • What is ISM Archives Projet’s juridical form?

    ISM Archives Projet’s juridical type is Société anonyme (SA).
  • How is the financial situation of ISM Archives Projet?

    openthebox has estimated that ISM Archives Projet’s financial health score to be 3/10.