Situation normale

Brouwerij Soleil

9120 Beveren
Since 05/01/2021

Brouwerij Soleil’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Brouwerij Soleil’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Brouwerij Soleil
Brouwerij Soleil
  • Yannick Fierens
  • Wim Cloostermans
  • Davy Peirsman
  • Tony Colman

Frequently asked questions about Brouwerij Soleil

  • What is Brouwerij Soleil’s official website?

    Brouwerij Soleil’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of Brouwerij Soleil?

    You can contact Brouwerij Soleil at the email address
  • Where is Brouwerij Soleil located?

    Brouwerij Soleil’s headquarters is located in Stuurstraat 37 , 9120 Beveren.
  • Who are the directors of Brouwerij Soleil?

    Brouwerij Soleil’s directors include
    • Yannick Fierens
    • Wim Cloostermans
    • Davy Peirsman
    • Tony Colman
  • When was Brouwerij Soleil founded?

    Brouwerij Soleil was founded in 2021-01-05. Brouwerij Soleil has been active for 4 years.
  • What are Brouwerij Soleil’s NACEBEL codes?

    Brouwerij Soleil’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 46341 Commerce de gros de vin et de spiritueux (2008)
    • 46349 Commerce de gros de boissons, assortiment général (2008)
    • 47252 Commerce de détail de boissons en magasin spécialisé, assortiment général (2008)
  • What is Brouwerij Soleil’s VAT number?

    Brouwerij Soleil’s VAT number is BE0760817025.
  • What is Brouwerij Soleil’s juridical form?

    Brouwerij Soleil’s juridical type is Société en nom collectif (SNC).