Situation normale


4040 Herstal
Since 11/03/2020

VILLANUEVA’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate VILLANUEVA’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

  • José Villanueva Losa

Frequently asked questions about VILLANUEVA

  • What is the email adress of VILLANUEVA?

    You can contact VILLANUEVA at the email address
  • Where is VILLANUEVA located?

    VILLANUEVA’s headquarters is located in Rue de Vottem 48 , 4040 Herstal.
  • Who are the directors of VILLANUEVA?

    VILLANUEVA’s directors include
    • José Villanueva Losa
  • When was VILLANUEVA founded?

    VILLANUEVA was founded in 2020-03-11. VILLANUEVA has been active for 5 years.
  • What are VILLANUEVA’s NACEBEL codes?

    VILLANUEVA’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 47770 Commerce de détail d'articles d'horlogerie et de bijouterie en magasin spécialisé (2008)
    • 46720 Commerce de gros de minerais et de métaux (2008)
    • 95290 Réparation d'autres biens personnels et domestiques (2008)
  • What is VILLANUEVA’s VAT number?

    VILLANUEVA’s VAT number is BE0744976628.
  • What is VILLANUEVA’s juridical form?

    VILLANUEVA’s juridical type is Société en commandite (SComm).