Situation normale

Zorgpunt Waasland

9120 Beveren
Since 23/04/2018

Zorgpunt Waasland’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate Zorgpunt Waasland’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb Zorgpunt Waasland
Zorgpunt Waasland
  • Maxime Callaert
    9100 Sint-Niklaas
  • Matheus van Diessen
    9100 Sint-Niklaas

Frequently asked questions about Zorgpunt Waasland

  • What is Zorgpunt Waasland’s official website?

    Zorgpunt Waasland’s official website is
  • What is the email adress of Zorgpunt Waasland?

    You can contact Zorgpunt Waasland at the email address
  • Where is Zorgpunt Waasland located?

    Zorgpunt Waasland’s headquarters is located in Oude Zandstraat 92 , 9120 Beveren.
  • Who are the directors of Zorgpunt Waasland?

    Zorgpunt Waasland’s directors include
    • Maxime Callaert
    • Matheus van Diessen
  • When was Zorgpunt Waasland founded?

    Zorgpunt Waasland was founded in 2018-04-23. Zorgpunt Waasland has been active for 7 years.
  • What are Zorgpunt Waasland’s NACEBEL codes?

    Zorgpunt Waasland’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 87101 Maisons de repos et de soins (M.R.S.) (2025)
    • 87101 Activités des maisons de repos et de soins (M.R.S.) (2008)
    • 56101 Restauration à service complet (2008)
    • 52210 Services auxiliaires des transports terrestres (2008)
    • 88102 Activités des centres de jour et de services pour personnes âgées (2008)
  • What is Zorgpunt Waasland’s VAT number?

    Zorgpunt Waasland’s VAT number is BE0696715960.
  • What is Zorgpunt Waasland’s juridical form?

    Zorgpunt Waasland’s juridical type is Association de CPAS (Ass.CPAS).