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2800 Mechelen
Since 12/06/2013

HALLO TAXI’s business network visualized

Explore our interactive spiderweb to visually navigate HALLO TAXI’s entire network of mandates and participations. Get insights into both current and historical connections.

Spiderweb HALLO TAXI
  • Christine Verstraete
    2800 Mechelen

Frequently asked questions about HALLO TAXI

  • Where is HALLO TAXI located?

    HALLO TAXI’s headquarters is located in Brusselsesteenweg 518 , 2800 Mechelen.
  • Who are the directors of HALLO TAXI?

    HALLO TAXI’s directors include
    • Christine Verstraete
  • When was HALLO TAXI founded?

    HALLO TAXI was founded in 2013-06-12. HALLO TAXI has been active for 12 years.
  • What are HALLO TAXI’s NACEBEL codes?

    HALLO TAXI’s NACEBEL codes are
    • 49320 Transports de voyageurs par taxis (2008)
    • 49390 Autres transports terrestres de voyageurs n.c.a. (2008)
    • 52210 Services auxiliaires des transports terrestres (2008)
    • 68100 Activités des marchands de biens immobiliers (2008)
    • 70220 Conseil pour les affaires et autres conseils de gestion (2008)
  • What is HALLO TAXI’s VAT number?

    HALLO TAXI’s VAT number is BE0535700217.
  • What is HALLO TAXI’s juridical form?

    HALLO TAXI’s juridical type is Société privée à responsabilité limitée (SPRL).